Are Catholic Priests forbidden to study economics?

No. In his Encyclical Letter, Quadragesimo Anno, of May, 1931, Pope Pius XI. says that “all candidates for the sacred priesthood must be adequately prepared by an intense study of social matters. It is particularly necessary that those specially devoted to this work should show themselves to be endowed with a keen sense of justice, ready to oppose with manly courage unjust claims and unjust actions, avoiding every extreme with consummate prudence and discretion.” The Pope adds that “no stone must be left unturned to avert grave misfortunes from the human race”; that “much has been done in the social and economic field by various Catholics,” but that now “let all strive to play their part in the Christian renewal of society.” Far from being forbidden, then, Catholic Priests are urged to the study of economics and of social science.

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